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Fecal Occult Blood Detection Reagent (Electronic method)

Fecal occult blood detection reagent and fecal occult blood detector are used together

(Please read the product manual carefully or purchase and use under the guidance of medical staff. Please refer to the manual for the contraindications or precautions)

Product Advantages

Rapid test result (45s)           Clear digital display of results

Built-in digital test timing     Simple and hygienic sampling

Class II medical apparatus and instruments

Over 10 years of R&D           Patented detection technology

Product Advantages

measure pro :3 persons per box

Intended Use

The measure-PRO is an in vitro diagnose device designed to qualitatively detect hemoglobin (Hb) in human stool samples. Before using this product, please read the following manual carefully. The Reader is designed to be used with single-use cartridges (measure PRO Cartridge) and sampling system, supplied separately. 

Invisible to the human eye, so called “occult blood", hidden gastrointestinal bleeding can be an early symptom of various diseases, including bowel cancer or stomach ulcers.

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